“The Real Housewives” television franchise is the inspiration for this ultra-meta multimedia exercise where two smug young gay men prattle on about it.
Laura Bush Killed a Guy
Lisa Hodsoll is phenomenal as the former First Lady in this kaleidoscopic solo play fantasia. The audience gets free Cowboy Cookies made from her recipe.
Devil of Choice
An uproarious and blistering dark comedy about a love triangle among academics. The writing, acting and staging are sensational and there’s a violinist.
Time’s Journey through a Room
Initially confounding, this cryptic play set in contemporary Japan is about a man and two women and metamorphosizes into a profound and moving experience.
Jesus Christ and Pontius Pilate appear in this dynamic revival of playwright’s Robert Patrick’s 1973 wickedly counterculture exploration of religiosity.
Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn’s Cultural Medallion Dedication
The legendary married acting couple were honored with a plaque at their former Manhattan residence. Their daughter Tandy Cronyn was among the speakers.
Leisure, Labor, Lust
Inspired by Edith Wharton and Jacob Riis’ social realism, this absorbing NYC period drama has a gay angle and is grandly performed and richly theatrical.
Speed Queen
A madcap lesbian historical and musical fantasia where performer and creator Phoebe Legere recounts the eccentric life of the legendary Joe Carstairs.
Time No Line
A mesmerizing multimedia collage by acclaimed performance artist John Kelly. It’s his memoir told through song, dance and film derived from his journals.
A Portrait of Maureen Stapleton
Viewing a stunning painting at an art gallery of the great actress done in 1968 inspired me to re-read her memoir to see if there was information about it.