The young British actor Mark Farrelly brilliantly channels the 20th century cultural icon’s witty presence in his highly theatrical self-written solo show.
Johanna Day is towering in this dynamic memory play comprised of a barrage of brief nonlinear scenes chronicling the eventful life of a complex person.
Aznavour As Is
Venerable chanteuse Yvonne Constant and her sly music director Russ Kassoff put on a delightful free-form cabaret tribute to the recently deceased legend.
Eamon Yates gives a fearless performance as a gay male prostitute in this solo play that’s performed in a Brooklyn apartment for an audience of up to ten.
Dream Within a Dream
The East Village theater fixture gloriously returns to the stage after illness in her sly surrealistic and topical play, accompanied by a sparkling cast.
When We Went Electronic
Two young women workers in a NYC branch of American Apparel carry on in this surrealistic satire with songs. The terrific performers elevate the material.
This American Wife
“The Real Housewives” television franchise is the inspiration for this ultra-meta multimedia exercise where two smug young gay men prattle on about it.
Laura Bush Killed a Guy
Lisa Hodsoll is phenomenal as the former First Lady in this kaleidoscopic solo play fantasia. The audience gets free Cowboy Cookies made from her recipe.
Devil of Choice
An uproarious and blistering dark comedy about a love triangle among academics. The writing, acting and staging are sensational and there’s a violinist.
Time’s Journey through a Room
Initially confounding, this cryptic play set in contemporary Japan is about a man and two women and metamorphosizes into a profound and moving experience.