A mesmerizing multimedia collage by acclaimed performance artist John Kelly. It’s his memoir told through song, dance and film derived from his journals.
Author: Darryl Reilly
Lady Macbeth and Her Lover
A spellbinding drama spanning two decades about two lesbian poets and one’s daughter. It’s brilliantly performed, excellently written and smartly staged.
A Soldier’s Play
Gripping and powerfully performed revival of the 1982 Pulitzer Prize winning, racially charged murder mystery set at a Louisiana, U.S. army fort in 1944.
In contemporary NYC, a young married gay male couple brings in a third. This insightful play is highly theatrical, fiercely acted and has a lot of nudity.
Her Opponent
Provocative recreation of the Clinton vs. Trump presidential debates has actors of reversed genders portraying them, and is a startlingly theatrical event.
Lone Star
A beer drinking, melancholy Vietnam veteran and his hapless, younger brother figure in this roaring revival of the one-act play set at a rural Texas bar.
“Rosalee Pritchett” & “The Perry’s Mission”: Two one-act plays
Bar habituates and Southern race riots are the subjects of this uproarious revival of radical, 1960’s-style political satires that skewer race relations.
The beloved, classic movie gets a tiresome performance art deconstruction. Multi-media, arch writing, exaggerated direction and superficial acting abound.
Jack Charles V The Crown
A 73-year-old, Aboriginal actor, ex-con and ex-junkie tells his harrowing and redemptive life story in this fascinating and dynamic performance art piece.
His Royal Hipness Lord Buckley
This exhilarating recreation of the 1950’s cult performer’s nightclub act has a grand central performance, a dynamic jazz trio and an inventive script.