European Jewish collaboration with the Germans during the Holocaust is dramatized in this searing immersive presentation which is set in a bustling café.
Author: Darryl Reilly
Of The Dream That Was My Life…
French sculptor Camille Claudel’s tumultuous life and tempestuous relationship with Auguste Rodin are dramatized in this absorbing theatrical depiction.
All The Devils Are Here
Patrick Page enraptures with one towering Shakespearean characterization after another in his enthralling and erudite self-created theatrical solo show.
This Show is My Funeral
This heartfelt and dynamically enacted solo performance piece explores a trans person’s pre-transition existence through comedic and dramatic sequences.
Elsa Lanchester: She’s Alive!
Charlotte Booker is dazzling as the complex “The Bride of Frankenstein” English actress in her imaginative self-written solo biographical fantasia
A Lana Turner-style murdered mobster boyfriend, a framed daughter and reptilian religious cultists feature in this high-energy campy musical spoof.
Crime and Punishment
Three brilliant actors portray multiple characters in this entrancing stripped-down faithful theatricalization of Dostoevsky’s classic 1866 novel.
Dracula, A Comedy of Terrors
James Daly is the ideal Count in this comically sexy spoof of the familiar tale; it is laden with homoeroticism, gender bending and jokey anachronisms.
The Jester’s Wife
Three magnetic fabulously clad comic actors enact this imaginative fantasia based on the 7th century tale of the Irish St. Dymphna’s martyrdom.
Dear Mr. Bottrell, I Cannot Possibly Accept This
Veteran actor David Dean Bottrell hilariously and insightfully chronicles his life journey from Kentucky to NYC and LA, in his entertaining solo show.